Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"O" pen to Interpretation.

The poem "O" has such deliberate breaks in the middle of lines or sentences. The poem stresses specific points and words. I really think this is an effective way of getting across the point of the poem. It separates the semi-important from the extremely important. The end of the fifth stanza it ends with "Sometimes" then the beginning of the following stanza has a specific meaning. It makes the mind ready to not accept the next stanza as all the time. Then in the ending stanza one of the lines ends with the word "end" which gives a natural human reaction of nothing left or the ceasing of something. 
I don't always know what poets are talking about, but I do feel quite often. I am more into how a poem makes me feel through word choice and description rather than exactly what the poem is saying. I like poetry that is open to personal interpretation. Depending on how a life is being lived and the experiences a reader has had the poem can mean so much. Every reader will interpret a poem differently. I don't know if I am explaining myself very well, but there it is. 

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