Monday, October 26, 2009

What is he sensing?

When it comes to them traveling road I trust the fathers intuition completely, but when it comes to him searching the homes the two of them come across I do not. The more the son complains about the house the less I just the father. At the beginning the houses they searched nothing happened, but then they came upon that one fateful house with the cannibals. At that part the son complained more, he was more scared then usual and his fear was proven right. The next houses the two of them come to the boy is still scared but not as much as the last one. I wonder what is the source of this boys fear, why is he scared of houses so much. Because of that event at the house every time they approach a house and the boy starts to complain and you can sense the fear in him, I'm always on edge anticipating something horrible to jump out at them.
I think the reason why I trust the boys feeling then the fathers when they come upon houses is that children seem to sense more, like a six sense, when it comes to certain things. Maybe it's because he is so innocent and I just get unnerved when he gets scared. Parents have one as well, for instance the father knew they where being followed long before they had any evidence of it. So what's the deal. Maybe the fathers senses are exercised in one direction and the son's in another, it that makes any sense to you. What do you think? And do you get the same feeling I do when they come to another house?

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