Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Life of Pi second prompts

When you first start to read the book it is slightly confusing. You sit and wonder why some parts are italicized and others aren’t? Why are the chapters so short? What is the purpose behind the detail of Pi’s life, but as you read you begin to put the pieces together. Pi is fascinated with the underlying messages that religious stories provide. When he talks with the father about why Jesus did the things he did, he keeps asking why and only getting one response, love. This is the reason I believe the book starts off with explaining his interests in religion. It teaches you to look beyond the words, beyond what is spelled in front of you and find a deeper meaning. I began to think that all of Pi’s religious endeavors were going to be the reasons why this book will make you believe in God but I am now convinced it is not. I believe it is the personal struggles he had to go through in the boat and more importantly the underlying messages of his story. By telling us so much of Pi’s history in the zoo environment, his struggle with his name and all those other things you begin to understand the way this book is written. 

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