Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Only Gods Knows All

Pi states "and so it goes with God." I instantly started to think what does that mean? Why would he say that? Then I began to think about the differences in stories about the animals and the people. Maybe the story with the people is true, but the humans became animals to him because it was easier to handle. I think that the story about the cook was really disturbing and there was nothing really to learn from it, unlike Pi's story about his journey with the animal. He states that Richard Parker is hiding that gives me a clue that maybe he has been Richard Parker all along. 
"And so it goes with God," means the only one who will truly know which of the stories is true is God. And it honestly doesn't matter because the Japanese tell him that the story does not matter. There are a lot of moments in our lives that only God will know about and it seems like Pi is completely fine with it. He specifically asks the question "so it doesn't matter which story is true?" And then proceeds to ask "which is more interesting?" Obviously the animals so the question still remains, which is true. My answer, it doesn't matter because for me I experienced them both through reading and I learned from both. The story with the animals had a much greater affect on my life. 
There are things in each of our lives where God is the only one who will ever know which of the stories is true and honestly I don't want to know. I am going to take what I learned and apply it. That is all that matters. 

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